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Volunteer Service Regulations

  1. Social Work Department Students must complete 80 hours of volunteer service before starting their internship (as stipulated in the internship application guidelines for the academic year) in order to be eligible to apply for summer internship opportunities at institutions. The volunteer service must be conducted at non-profit organizations. During the volunteer service period, students are required to write at least three service reflection reports, which must be reviewed and approved by their supervisor. The reflection reports should be written based on daily or event-based experiences, according to the completion stages of the work or when students have significant reflections on the service work.

  2. The recognition of volunteer service hours for students in this department has traditionally been authorized by individual class advisors. However, given the wide variety of volunteer service activities students may engage in, and to encourage active participation in direct social work services while minimizing confusion for advisors in recognizing the nature of volunteer services, the following principles for volunteer service hour recognition are proposed:

    (1) Direct service hours in social welfare-related organizations and groups, led by social workers, will be fully credited.

    (2) Administrative service hours (e.g., invoicing, data entry, etc.) in social welfare-related organizations and groups will be credited at half the total hours. Service hours for one-time events or workshops will also be credited at half the total hours, with a maximum of 60 hours recognized.

    (3) Volunteer service hours at non-social welfare organizations or groups will be credited at one-third of the total hours, with a maximum of 40 hours recognized.

    (4) The minimum direct service hours at social welfare organizations must not be less than 40 hours.


亞洲大學國際志工隊 (Volunteer with Love)
印度志工團 (Volunteer Teams in India) 
2024亞洲大學社工系印度志工團 運用社工專業跨海送暖